The Role and Position of Veil (Cover) in Promoting Family and Woman’s Spiritual Health

Maryam Solgi

Department of Psychology, Women Research Center, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

Zohrehsadat Nabavi

Department of Islamic Teachings, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

Maryam Safara

Department of Psychology, Women Research Center, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


Keywords: Spiritual health, Woman, Family, veil.


Veil (hijab) is one of the most important elements in the spiritual health of women. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the veil and spiritual health in women and its impact on the spiritual health of the family, and to explain this issue in the dimension of the health of women and family as well as community by referring to some psychological effects of the veil (hijab). The veil enhances the value of women and above all provides their mental security with protection of human emotions and adherence to moral principles. Veil is responsible for strengthening the family foundation, and guarantees its spiritual health and is as a phenomenon effective in providing family health, which appears as a dynamic and pioneer attribute and saves the family from disintegration. This paper deals with components that consider the veil as a prominent factor in the health of woman and family. The research method used in this study was library method through content analysis.


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