Teachers’ Knowledge of Hybrid Teaching Practiced during the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Effects on Student Achievement

Hadi Rashed Al Ajmi

Educational Management, Saudi Arabia Open University, Saudi Arabia.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.20448/jeelr.v9i3.4145

Keywords: Hybrid teaching, Hybrid teaching knowledge, Psychological education knowledge, IT knowledge, Education tools knowledge, Teaching styles, Students achievement.


This study aimed to investigate the level of teachers’ knowledge deemed necessary to meet the requirements of hybrid teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic. A descriptive quantitative approach was used in this study. A questionnaire was used as the tool for data collection; it was composed of three parts. The first part was designed to collect information on demographic characteristics, while the second part was used to collect information about teachers’ knowledge of psychological education theories, teaching styles, IT and education tools. The third part aimed to collect information about the students’ achievements based on teachers’ views. A simple random sample of teachers was selected, comprising 1500 teachers from government schools. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were measured. The study concluded that teachers had little knowledge about the basic requirements for hybrid teaching and what had been practiced was actually emergency remote teaching. The study recommended the adoption of hybrid teaching strategies nationally as a desired move to be applied and evaluated regularly.


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