Impact of Prezi Media-Assisted Problem-Based Learning on Scientific Literacy and Independence of Elementary School Students
Maria Goreti Rini Kristiantari
Ganesha University of Education, Indonesia.
I Wayan Widiana
Ganesha University of Education, Indonesia.
Ni Ketut Desia Tristiantari
Musamus University, Indonesia.
Ni Nyoman Rediani
Ganesha University of Education, Indonesia.
Keywords: Elementary school, Independence, Literacy, Prezi media, Problem-based learning, Scientific literacy.
The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of Problem Based Learning (PBL) with the support of Prezi media on scientific literacy and independence. The research design used was quasi-experimental in nature. The sample of this study consisted of 59 fourth grade students. Data were collected using a test and a questionnaire. The instruments used were a 20-item test to assess scientific literacy and a 30-item questionnaire to measure independence. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and statistical inference. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was used in testing the hypotheses. The findings show that the PBL model supported by Prezi media has a simultaneous and partial effect on students' scientific literacy and independence. The findings also show that the Prezi media-enabled PBL model has a greater impact on scientific literacy than on students' independence.