Online learning’s potential to improve access and quality in higher education in Mexico: Perspectives of higher education stakeholders
Rachael H Merola
Center for Research and Teaching in Economics, Division of Public Policy and Administration, Mexico City, Mexico.
Keywords: Education access, Education quality, Higher education, Mexico, Online learning, Online teaching.
Mexico, one of the largest countries in the world, has seen more growth in online education than in-person instruction between 2013 and 2023. This study investigates the potential of online learning to increase access and quality of higher education in Mexico against this backdrop of growth. The study uses semi-structured interviews with 32 university leaders, academic staff, and students from six institutions in Mexico. Interviews explore their perceptions of online learning to identify barriers to access quality and understand future potential. Results reveal significant barriers to developing high-quality online education and making it widely accessible. The online education market favors students in urban areas and those with the resources necessary to study online while the flexibility and convenience of online learning are highly valued. Additionally, many universities serving non-traditional students and those in rural areas lack the resources and infrastructure to provide high-quality online education. Results are discussed within the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework as well as within the broader context of online education research. These challenges once addressed will allow Mexico to develop high-quality online education widely accessible to under-resourced and rural populations.