Peculiarities and causes of difficulties in learning educational material among schoolchildren and ways to overcome them

Zarina Zhumanbayeva

Karaganda University of the name of Academician E.A. Buketov, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Larissa Shkutina

Karaganda University of the name of Academician E.A. Buketov, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Kuralay Kulmukanova

Astana Medical University, Astana, Kazakhstan

Kazyna Zhunussova

Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Bakhyt Rysbekova

Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.


Keywords: Education, Educational material, Learning difficulties, Overcoming academic failure, Schoolchildren, Neuropsychological approach.


The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficiency of using the neuropsychological approach to solve the learning difficulties of schoolchildren. An empirical study summarized the evaluation of   the correction program carried out using neuropsychological games and exercises with one hundred students in the second grade of the elementary school. The following evaluation strategies were used to assess the effectiveness of the programme: Schulte tables, the fourth extra technique and "memorization of two sets of words.  The results obtained can be presented as follows: (1) The studied indicators of attention such as work efficiency and mental stability improved among students, only the criterion of the degree of workability remained without significant improvements but at the same time within the normative values. (2) Analyzing the mental processes of students, we can see a significant increase in the number of children who have improved such indicators of thinking as generalization and synthesis   due to corrective exercises. (3) The study of memory processes showed that the number of students who experienced special correctional exercises was higher than words at the very beginning without special psychological support. This study concludes that the general solution to learning problems and the compensation of deficiencies in the development of various cognitive processes are   the objective advantages of organised corrective neuropsychological sessions with students. This experiment may provide a plan for further research and adoption of the help for schoolchildren in practice.


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