Implementation of the Flipped Classroom Model in the Scientific Ethics Course

Mehmet URFA

Army NCO Vocational College, National Defence University, Turkey

Gürhan DURAK

Assistant Professor Gürhan Durak, Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies, Balıkesir University, Turkey


Keywords: Flipped classroom model, Scientific ethics course.


In the present study, the purpose was to determine students’ views about the application of Flipped Classroom Model (FL), in which, different from the traditional method, homework is replaced by in-class activities and which has frequently been mentioned recently. The study was carried out with 24 students from the department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies within the scope of the Scientific Ethics Course for in a period of 11 weeks in 2016. In the research process, stud groups were formed to let the students carry out the in-class applications collaboratively. In the study, the research data were collected via structured observation form, observation, structured interview form and focus group interview. The study was carried out on qualitative basis with quantitative support. In the quantitative dimension of the study, descriptive statistics was applied, and in the qualitative dimension, thematic analysis method was used. In the study, for the collection and analysis of the data, Rogers’s Diffusion of Innovations Theory was used as the theoretical framework. In this respect, with the data collected from the participants, the advantages and disadvantages of the FL model were determined. The findings obtained in the study revealed that the participants had positive views about their collaborative learning thanks to the FL model within the scope of the Scientific Ethics Course; that the model increased their motivations; that the model should be used more commonly; and that they wanted to prefer to teach with this model in their future professional lives.


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